the Future of Europe
the Future of Europe
the Future of Europe
Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies, Stockholm
Researcher Political Science: Jakob Lewander
E-mail: jakob.lewander[at]
Sieps (Swedish Institute for Europen Policy Studies) is an autonomous government research agency whose task is to publish research-based material on EU-related issues in order to provide decision-makers and civil servants with knwledge-based material. Sieps’ research department consists of jurists, politologists and economists who decide on the different areas and direction of the research in accordance with the agency director. Publications are sometimes presented on seminars which are filmed and available for the public, as well as all Sieps publications. Sieps conducts and promotes research on European policy and policy-making. and acts as a link between the academic world and policy-makers at various levels. By publishing reports and arranging seminars and conferences, Sieps aims to deepen the understanding of the challenges facing Europe.