the Future of Europe
the Future of Europe
the Future of Europe
EPIN Past Projects
This project is based upon on the ongoing exercise “The British Balance of Competence Reviews” launched by the British government to undertake a comprehensive review of the competences of the European Union. This will ultimately amount to 32 reviews, covering all EU policies, to be released progressively until early 2015. The project wishes to analyse these reviews, discuss the British Question from the perspectives of other EU member states, and focus on wider questions related to an overall reform agenda for the EU.
7-8 October 2015: The UK and the EU: Simulating the agendas for EU reform” (in cooperation with the Bertelsmann Foundation, CEPS, Brussels)
28 October 2013: The British Question, EU Reform and the search for a fresh European narrative (CEPS, Brussels)
“British Balance of Competence Reviews, Part I: ‘Competences about right, so far’” by Michael Emerson and Steven Blockmans (CEPS)
“British Balance of Competence Reviews, Part II: Again, a huge contradiction between the evidence and Eurosceptic populism” by M. Emerson, S. Blockmans, S. Peers and M. Wriglesworth
“British Balance of Competence Reviews, Part III: More reform than renegotiation or repatriation” by Michael Emerson, Graham Avery, Miroslav Beblavý, Arno Behrens, Steven Blockmans, Hugo Brady, Alžběta Hájková, Karel Lannoo and Jorge Núñez Ferrer.
“United Kingdom and the European Union: What would a “Brexit” mean for the EU and other States around the World? European and Global Perspectives” edited by Almut Möller and Tim Oliver (DGAP)
“Cameron’s reality check on Europe” by Michael Emerson (CEPS)
“Why trying to keep the Germans close on EU competences is risky for Britain” by Almut Möller (DGAP)
In the aftermath of the elections to the European Parliament, EPIN has engaged in a project analyzing the impact of the elections on EU politics and institutions as well as on the political landscape across member states. The project has been set off with the launch of a series of commentaries and will culminate in a joint publication with contributions from a range of EPIN experts.
Greece in limbo: Post-election 2015 scenarios by Filippa Chatzistavrou and Sofia Michalaki
Advances in EU Gender Equality: Missing the mark? by Vilde Renman and Caroline Conroy
Reshaping politics of the left and centre in Greece after the 2014 EP election by Filippa Chatzistavrou and Sofia Michalaki
Political crossroads ahead in Sweden: The signs are red-green by Vilde Renman (CEPS)
Euroscepticism vs. Political Pragmatism: The Finns Party tones down its criticism of the EU by Tuomas Iso-Markku (FIIA)
In the run-up to the May 2014 elections to the European Parliament, EPIN has engaged in a project aimed at examining the elections from an EU perspective and considering the outlook for the elections in various member states. It will consist of a number of events and publications. A special series of EPIN Commentaries has been launched within the framework of this project.
8 May 2014: 2014 Elections to the European Parliament: New Developments, Future Challenges (CEPS, Brussels)
31 January 2014: Parliamentarianism in European Economic Governance (Finnish Institute of International Affairs, Helsinki)
25 November 2013: The EU after the 2014 Elections: Setting the Course for a Political Union? (Polish Institute of International Affairs, Warsaw)
“Between Apathy and Anger: Challenges to the Union from the 2014 Elections to the European Parliament” by S. Piedrafita and A. Lauenroth (eds.), with contributions from A. Primatarova, T. Iso-Markku, S. Bendjaballah, A. Lauenroth, F. Chatzistavrou, S. Michalaki, E. Poli, N. Goet, A. Groen, A. Łada, A. Nicolescu, S. Llaudes, I. Molina and V. Renman
“Euro-enthusiasm, Euro-rejection, and various shades of grey: The 2014 European Parliament election campaign in the Netherlands” by Stijn van Kessel
“The ‘Personalisation’ of the European Elections: A half-hearted attempt to increase turnout and democratic legitimacy?” by Sonia Piedrafita and Vilde Renman (CEPS)
“The Impact of Spain’s Economic and Political Crisis on the European Elections” by Carme Colomina and Elina Viilup (CIDOB)
“Euroscepticism in the Next European Parliament: A Reason to Worry?” by Sonia Piedrafita and Vilde Renman (CEPS)
“The European Elections in France: The paradox of a more European yet more eurosceptic campaign” by Vivien Pertusot and Yann-Sven Rittelmeyer (Ifri)
“The 2014 European Elections in Poland: Are we in for another uninspiring campaign?” by Melchior Szczepanik (ISP)
“Not Making the Lists: The Underrepresentation of Women in EU Politics and Business” by Vilde Renman (CEPS)
“Elections to the European Parliament and the trouble with Vox Populi” by Sonia Piedrafita (CEPS)