the Future of Europe
the Future of Europe
the Future of Europe
Welcome to the European Policy Institutes Network
The European Policy Institutes Network (EPIN) is a dynamic network of European think tanks and policy institutes focusing on current EU and European political and institutional debates. It brings together 38 partners from 25 countries. The members are diverse in size and structure, but all are characterised by political independence and the absence of any predetermined point of view or political affiliation.
EPIN’s main mission is to expand and deepen the body of knowledge on EU affairs and to develop valuable insights into the future of Europe across the entire continent. It provides a platform for researchers and policy analysts to develop professional links, exchange knowledge and collaborate on EU-related projects. Members bring their national perspectives to bear on the issues tackled and through collaboration, they contribute to the creation of a ‘European added value’. In the process, they strengthen a common European dimension in the national debates on Europe. EPIN members gather mainly in the context of specific projects. The main outputs of the network are publications, which are prepared by the researchers individually or in collaborative groupings and take the form of commentaries, analytical reports and policy briefings.
The network was established in 2002 during the Convention on the Future of Europe. Its principal role at that time was to monitor the progress of the Convention and later to follow the Lisbon treaty revision process in all its phases. At the conclusion of the treaty revision, CEPS and other participating institutes decided that the network could be a valuable vehicle for further collaboration. Since its founding, the network has been coordinated by CEPS.