the Future of Europe
the Future of Europe
the Future of Europe
Institute of International and European Affairs, Dublin
Researcher: Cian McCarthy
E-mail: cian.mccarthy[at]
Director of Research: Jill Donoghue
E-mail: jill.donoghue[at]
The Institute of International and European Affairs (IIEA) is Ireland’s leading think tank working on European and International affairs. It is an independent, not-for-profit organisation with charitable status.
Its aim is to provide a forum for those with an interest in European and International affairs, and to evaluate and disseminate strategic policy options in these areas.
Through an extensive research and events programmes the IIEA shares ideas and shapes policies, providing members with policy insights, analysis and context to help shape vital decisions about Ireland’s strategic direction, policies and future.
The IIEA’s role is to identify key European and international trends and priorities, which will inform the work of Ireland’s thought leaders, decision makers, and business leaders, and enrich the public debate on Ireland’s role in the EU and on the global stage.
The IIEA’s unique convening power places the Institute at the centre of thought leadership in Ireland. The Institute brings together an extensive network of key players to share knowledge and insight from varied points of view. The IIEA’s reputation for independence and public policy expertise attracts the highest-level speakers, decision makers, and thought leaders at national, EU and global level.
With over 100 speaker events per year the Institute’s complementary research and event programmes equip members with a comprehensive understanding of the debates that will define national, EU and international policy.